Surprise! |
Hey… Why not suggesting this to you..That you surprise yourself.
I must admit that I love surprises, and they can be really happy-shaking sometimes. It doesn’t actually matter if it is small surprises or big surprises, as long as there is one of them, right? Big gifts, small gifts, we love them all:)
But you don’t necessary have to wait for someone else to get their fingers out of their pockets to go and buy you something nice, or hug you when you least expect it. You can also surprise yourself, by looking forward to something exciting, fun, beautiful, new.. Order something online..
A book, a sweet dress, new shoes, a computer, a magazine, tickets, free perfume samples or candy. whatever you can think of. The truth is, you do surprise yourself and you feel as a child looking forward to that thing showing up in the mail, or coming to that store, or that trip being planned to a foreign country.
If you do decide to order something online, please choose as long delivery time as possible.
Sometimes, if you order from another country, you can choose if you want your product sent to you within short time, or maybe within four weeks.
Choose four weeks if you can;) In the meantime, while waiting, have fun doing other cool stuff, and maybe order something else. By the time those four weeks has pass, you might have forgotten that one thing you ordered, and then. It’s suddenly in your mailbox. How great isn’t that?
And that reminds me Letters are also great happiness-shots. Be a bit ‘old-fashion’ if that’s what you call it, send one or several letters to old friends you never see, friends you often see, get a letter pal, send to others you know, send letters with compliments to different services, send even one to yourself, reminding yourself of how amazing you are.
Ok? This is BIG. And it’s small..
You get to choose – but these things, can really boost your mood and creativity if you let’m!
At the end her.. Surprise someone else!
You deserve to get a warm smile and a hug from someone you like as well;)